• PHMSA Releases Rail Incident Response Tool

    DOT developed these resources to offer a flexible approach to training responders to prepare for rail incidents involving flammable liquids; the materials offer information on best practices related to rail incidents involving Class 3 flammable liquids, such as crude oil and ethanol.

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  • The Secrets of Companies With Low Turnover [Infographic]

    The average company loses 20-50 percent of its employee base yearly. This guide shows how to tell if employees are engaged, how to increase retention rate, and even gives some scenarios high turnover can be positive. Turnover and employee engagement are top challenges reported by HR organizations. In order to reduce turnover, leadership needs to

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  • Taking Hand Hygiene Beyond Hand Washing

    By Andreas Klotz Don’t overlook hand protection when it comes to safety. No matter what the industry, chances are that your company has employees who make a living using their hands. Our hands are the connection we make with everything in our everyday lives. However, they likely are overlooked when it comes to employee health

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  • New Climate Change Report Discusses Impact on Health and Safety of Workers

    The potential health effects of climate change on workers now is available in a new report just released by the U.S. Global Change Research Program. Climate change can affect human health in two main ways: first, by changing the severity or frequency of health problems that are already affected by climate or weather factors; and

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