• CEMEX Case Studies

    Avetta CEMEX UK Leverages PICS to Identify and Maximise Use of Compliant Suppliers Across Its Business Units CEMEX UK Leverages PICS to Identify and Maximise Use of Compliant Suppliers Across Its Business Units read more

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  • Preventable Deaths Reach an All-Time High

    Every four minutes, someone in the United States dies from an injury. The number of Americans dying from preventable injuries has reached an all-time high, according to analysis from the National Safety Council. Preventable injuries, commonly known as “accidents,” claimed 136,053 lives in 2014 – a 57 percent increase since 1992, when deaths from preventable

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  • Huntsman Corp Reduces U.S. Contractor Total Recordable Incident Rate

    Avetta Managing contractors is all about risk management. That means making sure every contractor is qualified to safely perform the job for which they’ve been hired, prior to onboarding and while under contract. It had become obvious that it was no longer possible to achieve this goal efficiently or consistently within the company’s existing paper-based

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  • Rising OSHA Fines? Don’t Panic – Prequalify.

    Avetta With OSHA fines poised to rise as much as 80 percent to account for inflation, employers must be more diligent than ever about compliance. Sustaining a safe, efficient and compliant workplace is a complex task for any employer, but for companies with operations spanning multiple locations – perhaps all over the world – things

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